I finally have something to show for my current shading project, although I only have the modeling done. I actually started the project over twice because I couldn't come up with what I wanted to do, and I kept hating everything I ended up with.
The assignment is to do an interior scene, and my initial plan was to do a classroom with a shot into a messy student's desk. So I modeled the whole scene and realized I had to do most of the shaders procedurely so it would be a lot more difficult to get the result I wanted. I'm still not used to procedural texturing/shading, especially now that we're building our shaders procedurely too and not using the default blinn, lambert, phong, etc. So while I really liked my idea I decided the scope would end up being way more than I could handle.
The problem was that I then had no idea what I wanted to do. I originally didn't want to do a modern interior design, because everyone does that. But I really love design and seeing as I was running out of time I gave in and decided to take the easy route this time and just go modern. I usually like to challenge myself to be more creative/push the limits of what I can do, but with two weeks down the drain it just wasn't an option any more.
So I spent a reasonable amount of time modeling today and got the majority of the scene done (I still need to add a few small decorative elements so it doesn't feel so empty).
Please keep in mind that the lighting and textures in the image are not final and are simply to give a basic idea of what I am going for.
Today one of my professors approached me and asked me if I would be willing to make him an illustration of a forest to be used in a play for elementary schoolers where they will be using 3D and projections to create the backdrops. Basically they are going to project a 3D forest ontop of the background
to give it depth and in all likely hood not much of the background will
be visible. He showed me some examples and told me he would need it to be very stylized and illustrative and I could just paint it really fast. Since it wasn't a complex request and I like helping out when I can I told him I'd do it.
I spent about an hour on it today and here's what I have so far.
I'm going to show it to him tomorrow to see where he wants me to take it. I'm thinking the tree trunks might need to be blurred a little more since their outline is pretty crisp, but that will be easy to do so I am not too worried at this point. He wasn't entirely sure how it should be stylized so I want to wait before doing too much else with it.
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