This quarter I'm taking a lighting class along with my thesis, and while I don't really feel like my first assignment is worth sharing, I'm really happy with the latest one so I wanted to post it.
I had much bigger plans for it, but for the time being I'm having to put them off until I'm done with my thesis. I wanted to have some weeds growing near the fence and put some big rocks in the ground that kind of lead towards the shed. I also want to eventually sculpt the ground a little bit so it's not just a completely flat plane.
But considering the amount of time I had to work on this, I'm really happy with how it looks despite not having everything I wanted. I think the lighting turned out really well, and I'm happy with pretty much all of the textures except for the ground. This is definitely a project I will be coming back to to fix up for my portfolio.
Aside from my lighting assignment, the rest of what I have are just quick drawings I've done to help myself relax and take away some of the stress from thesis. Most of them where done in under and hour, usually 30 minutes.
Dreaming is definitely my favorite part of sleep.
The More I look at this one the more I dislike it. There are a couple of strokes I wish I hadn't put in, but it's okay.
Can you tell I was stressed/frustrated when I did this one? Pretty much all of that went away once I was done drawing it. It's really great to be able to just get rid of all that negative energy by doing a quick drawing.
This was actually one of my favorite drawings from high school that I decided to color. It's funny how easily I can recall the original image I had in my mind even though it's been 4-5 years. She actually has a feathered tail in the original drawing, but I didn't have enough time to color it and it looked weird leaving the pencil in so I took it out for now.
I've always wanted to do a large scale painting of this, I'd still like to some day. I think the anatomy might need a bit of adjusting first though.