Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Red Pears Are A Thing!

After only 1 week into the new quarter I am already up to my head in homework! It looks like it will be an extremely busy quarter for me this winter. Which is good news for you all because that means I will have lots of new work to share! That is, assuming I can still manage to find time to share it. At the very least I will do my best to post the images. I might not always be able to write as much as I usually do, but this is a blog for my artwork so hopefully that won't be a huge issue.

Speaking of images, I just finished my first two mini assignments for my new 3D Shading Class.They aren't anything too special since they are essentially mini assignments that were based off of a tutorial. I didn't follow the tutorials entirely though because I like to do my own things (I live on the edge).

Note: The focus of the class is on shading procedurally so we're supposed keep the modeling to minimum. So just keep that in mind when looking at the work from it.

For the flag, the tutorial originally had a US Flag, but I'm half Lebanese so I wanted to make a Lebanese Flag instead. The tutorial also originally had us using the marble texture in Maya to make the rips and tears, but it looked awful even in the tutorial so I made my own transparency maps for it in Photoshop. I also did the dirt map on my own in photo shop even though the tutorial didn't go over it. The purpose of the tutorial was more about doing things procedurally, which I did with the exception of making a vector for the tree, the transparency map for the tears, and the dirt maps. Everything else I did in Maya. Overall it looks pretty flat because we were supposed to use a flat plane. Ideally I would've modeled some wrinkles into the cloth and actually given it a little bit of thickness.

Our second tutorial was to make a pear. I learned that not very many people know about red pears that since a lot of my classmates told me I was making it the wrong color or asked me if I was making an apple. So I'm just going to take a minute to say that Red pears are an actual thing and that they are delicious and everyone should try them!
 Anyways-for the pear, I did do the entire thing procedurally in Maya but still I deviated from the tutorial quite a bit. I'm pretty happy with it except for the stem, which I think takes a way from the rest of it. The focus was the body of the pear so I put most of my effort into that and just kind of threw the stem on at the end. I might fix it later but for the purposes of the assignment I decided not to worry too much about it.

I believe our next assignment is to do an entire still life, which I am extremely excited about. I've done so many observational drawings of a still life, but I've never really done one in 3D so it should be fun. I'll be sure to share on it once I have something for it started.

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